W47: Weekly Orange Update — Tridge

Tridge Intelligence & Data
5 min readDec 2, 2022


Tridge’s global market analysts and country representatives take a deep dive into what happened during W47 in the global orange landscape. In summary, South African oranges, including Navel and Valencia, registered a 0.7% YoY drop by shipping about 81.6M boxes despite the overall citrus export posting a growth of 3.7% higher than in 2021. In October 2022, South Africa was the main exporter of oranges to the EU markets, with about 132,455 tons out of the total imports amounting to 157,821 tons. In Australia W46, Navel oranges amounted to 137,533 tons compared to 157,203 tons in the same period in 2021. The decrease was due to the heavy rainfall experienced, lack of pickers, and albedo at the beginning of the season. The Italians have begun the Sicilian Navelina orange campaign with anticipation of a price drop due to the increase in supply. The Peruvian wholesale market in Lima registered a food stock of about 81%, where oranges ranged from 70% to 80%. The orange prices in Georgia and Poland in W47 stood at USD 1.29/kg and USD 1.11/kg, respectively. Lastly, in South Korea, the Australian orange prices stabilized in 2022 but indicated an increase of 4.6% compared to 2021.

South Africa

The South African 2022 Export Citrus Season in Numbers (Nov 24)

Despite floods and new restrictions imposed by the European Union on South African imports in July, South Africa’s citrus exports grew 3.7% higher than last year. Citrus exports reached 165 million cartons of 15 kgs shipped of all citrus products from the 158 million from last year’s season. Following a very challenging export season with price drops and oversupply in primary markets, citrus exporters have expressed concern about the season’s results. However, South African citrus exports were able to reach moderate growth owing to the development of new markets. Oranges, however, had a slightly negative season in 2022. Exports of all oranges, including Navel and Valencia, had a 0.7% YoY decrease by shipping 81.6 million boxes. Within the orange category, Navel oranges did have a very moderate growth from the previous season by shipping 27.8 million boxes for a 2.5% YoY increase. However, the decrease in Valencia oranges offset the Navel increase. South Africa exported 53.8 million boxes of Valencia this season compared with the 55 million exported in the 2021 season, a 2.2% decrease. (Continue Reading)

Leading the Way in Orange Exports to the EU (Nov 24)

In October 2022, South Africa was the main exporter of oranges to the European Union with 132,455 tons out of a total import from all countries of 157,821 tons for that month. The second largest exporter was Zimbabwe with 13,129 tons, followed by Argentina with 5,686 tons, Egypt with 322 tons, and Morocco with 17 tons. Compared to the same month last year, October 2021 with 144,629 tons, South Africa’s orange export is 8.4% lower. In October 2021, Zimbabwe exported 17,818 tonnes (-26.3%).


The Stability of Fruit Prices in the Transit Market (Nov 26)

On November 26, fruit prices in the Obour Market witnessed a state of stability in prices for most varieties. The Local orange prices ranged from 3–5.5lbs while Abusra oranges oscillated between 4.5–7.5lbs. The prices for Exhausted oranges ranged from 4–8lbs.


Citrus Market Price for Different Origins in the Dutch Market in W46 (Nov 22)

In W46, the market for juice oranges in the Netherlands was still dominated by South African oranges. However, supply is low as the fruit in stock is reaching the end of its shelf life, and importers are also not increasing the price to clear the stock. In W46, the price of juice, Valencia, and Delta oranges of South African origin is USD 11.28–12.82/15kg box for Cat 1 (sizes 64/72/88/100) and USD 10.26–11.79/15kg box for Cat 2 (sizes 100/105). There are also a few Navelinas from Spain that are offered in wooden boxes at USD 15.38/15kg.


Australian Citrus Season as of W46, YTD Results (Nov 24)

Navels and Mandarins have been exported in total in amounts of 213,573 tons, down from 235,459 tons during the same time in 2021. More specifically, Navel Oranges are at 137,533 tonnes compared to 157,203 tonnes at W46 in 2021. Albedo at the beginning of the season, a lack of pickers, and a lot of rain have all contributed to this decrease. Mandarins, on the other hand, have faired much better, with exports totaling 74,040 tonnes, down from 78,256 tonnes during the same time in 2021. Navels’ top five export markets have been Japan (33,118 tons), China (23,044 tons), Hong Kong (24,259 tons), Vietnam (8,847 tons), and Korea (7,044 tons). The top five export markets for Mandarins have historically been China (16,219 tons), Thailand (14,397 tons), the Philippines (6,959 tons), Indonesia (6,019 tons), and Vietnam (5,445 tons).


Fruit and Vegetable Price Trend (Nov 21)

The Sicilian Navelina orange campaign started with a consequent increase in quantities and a drop in prices. Demand has not yet reached high levels but is increasing with the arrival of cold weather. The sale of Spanish blond oranges and late South African oranges has ended.


Food Stocks in the Wholesale Market of Lima Are at 81% (Nov 25)

The Peruvian Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) indicated that on November 24, recovery of food stocks was reported in the wholesale markets of Metropolitan Lima. Among the fruits that experienced an increase in stocks, are oranges (from 70% to 80%), pineapples (from 60% to 80%), bananas (50% to 70%), and avocados (70% to 80%), among others.


Prices for Oranges in Week 47, 2022 (Nov 25)

Prices for oranges in most of the project monitoring countries were not revised, and Georgia and Poland became the exceptions of the week. Thus, in the Polish market, which was mainly focused on imports from Spain, prices continued to rise gradually due to the late and problematic orange harvest in this country. At the same time, in Georgia, where Turkey provided the bulk of the supply of these citrus fruits, the situation was exactly the opposite: a sharp increase in supplies led to a drop in prices. At the end of the week, oranges were offered in Georgia and Poland at $1.29/kg and $1.11/kg, respectively.


The First Spanish Navel Oranges of the Season Arrive at the CEAGESP Market on W47 (Nov 23)

The first Spanish Navel Oranges of the season arrive in the CEAGESP market on W47, with a wholesale price of USD 27.83/box (BRL 150/box) on CAT1, 14kg box, for calibers from 42–64. The usual timing of arrival is delayed approximately two weeks due to the lack of bigger calibers at the beginning of the season, importers in CEAGESP are waiting for the oranges to gain body. The oranges that arrived have a good Brix, color, and quality. The market still has some leftovers of Uruguayan and Argentinian Valencia oranges, pricing on average at USD 18.55/15kg (BRL 100/15kg).

Originally published at https://www.tridge.com on December 2, 2022.



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