2022 Q2 Fruit and Vegetable (Europe & MENA) Report — Tridge
Tridge Report
High production costs of fresh potatoes have affected farmers in Spain. Fertilizer prices increased 48%, fuel prices increased 134%, and electricity prices grew by more than 300%. This caused acreage to decrease in some regions of Spain while still fighting with unfavorable weather conditions like frost, heavy rain, drought, and even sand haze. Price was holding at USD 0.49/kg, a mild increase of 2.36% WoW. Expectations for 2021/22 are that production will be lower than the year before, but still, it will depend on the weather conditions in the following period. Spanish potato price decreased by -24.94% YoY to USD 4.32/kg in W4 Apr-22. The increased supply of potatoes in Spain led the price to fall in April 2022.
Table of Contents
Part I — Quarterly Issues
- Weather
- Trade Regulation
- Price Trends
Part II — Quarterly Summary
II.I Fruits
- Apple
- Cherry
II.II Vegetables
- Potato
- Tomato
View the full report here.
Originally published at https://www.tridge.com.